Monday, May 3, 2010

FYP Proposals

Proposal No. 1: “Just a bit more” Campaign

Name: Eunice Sulaiman , Nabilah Zulkarnaen
Student ID: 1061108427 , 1061108396
Topic: Image & Appearance
Brand: Just a bit more
Product Category: Campaign
Target Audience: Company employers/White collar workers

-This campaign is to create awareness, in the corporate world, that your professional image can impact your attitude resulting in better performance at work and as an individual.
-This campaign’s main objective is to say that you only have to do just a bit more in improving your image which will bring bigger result in the long run.

Market situation:
- A company’s image is reflected by its employees.

-Portraying a good image can convey confidence and credibility.
-Sloppy dressing can affect the success of a person as an individual as well as the company.

-Most people don’t bother to dress up or present themselves well at work.

-Employees take the lenient dress code for granted and start to slack in their dressing and grooming.

- Our appearance can heighten our confidence. When we feel good about how we look, it builds our self-esteem.

-The bottom line of a company is impacted when employees are inappropriately dressed for the workplace.




Proposal No. 2: Kemensah Waterfall

Name: Eunice Sulaiman , Nabilah Zulkarnaen
Student ID: 1061108427 , 1061108396
Topic: Marketing
Brand: Kemensah Waterfall
Product Category: Tourism
Target Audience: Young Adults - Local / Tourist


Kemensah Waterfall is located in Hulu Klang, Just behind the Zoo Negara. There are a variety of recreational places which each offers different activities and attractions such as flying fox, abseiling, obstacle training, waterfall/river trekking, jungle trekking, mountain climbing. They even have chalets.

Market situation:

-Kemensah Waterfalls is a place which is not targeted as a tourist or local attraction.
-It’s beauty and fun outdoor activities are neglected.


-Youth and young adults today prefer indoor activities rather than to be among nature.

-Most people have the perception that such places are hard to access.


-To attract more youth to participate in outdoor activity.

-Most people think that such close to nature, outdoor activity is far from the city. We want to change that perception to make known to the location and the availability of such a place.

-To encourage youth and young adults to get involved in healthy outdoor activities.

-To promote and to take advantage of our tropical environment and natural treasures.


Proposal No.3: Follow Me (Chosen Proposal)

Name: Eunice Sulaiman
Student ID: 1061108427
Topic: Marketing
Brand: Follow Me
Product Category: Beauty, Cosmetics & Toiletries
Target Audience: Age group 18-35


Follow Me Industries Sdn. Bhd. established in 1983, is the manufacturer of the following personal care and toiletry products and cosmetics distributed and marketed under the trademarks "Follow Me", exclusively by its distributor Tohtonku Sdn. Bhd.

Market situation:

-Slow sales

-Not sold in the more modern/popular retail outlets due to limited demand


- Not many consumers would choose to buy follow me because they have the impression that it is a cheap product that has been there for decades with no significant improvement.
- People are not aware of the improvement in the new range of Follow Me products.

- People have no confidence in the product because it’s a local product.

-Because of the many new brands that are rapidly filling the shelves in the stores today, the demand for this product could be negatively affected.

-Follow me was so popular a decade ago that the new generation these days tend to associate it with being an outdated brand.

- To give the brand not only a new look but a complete makeover.

-The name ‘Follow Me’ in itself has so much potential that isn’t optimized.

- The fact that the brand has been around since 1983 and is still in the market can be emphasized and highlighted to market the product.



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